BYLAW 12-2010




The Council of the Town of Cupar in the Province of Saskatchewan enacts as follows:


            1. This bylaw may be referred to as the Traffic Bylaw.


            2. DEFINITIONS

                        For the purpose of this bylaw, the following terms and words shall have

                        the following meanings:


            (a) " angle parking" means the parking of vehicles with the right front

            wheel drawn up on the right-hand side of the highway, or at a distance

            of not more than thirty(30) centimeters from such curb, the vehicles to

            be placed at an angle of forty-five (45) degrees with the curb;


            (b) "administrator" means the administrator of the municipality;


            (c)  "all terrain vehicle" and/or "ATV" means all terrain vehicle as

            defined in The All Terrain Vehicles Act;


            (d) "council" means the council of the Town of Cupar;


            (e) "curb" means the lateral boundaries of a roadway, whether or not

            marked by curbing;


            (f) "emergency vehicles" means ambulance, town truck, fire truck or special

            constable vehicle;


            (g) " highway" means a road, parkway, driveway, square, or place

            designated and intended for or used by the general public for the

            passage of vehicles, but does not include any area, whether privately

            or publicly owned, that is primarily intended to be used for the parking

            of vehicles and the necessary passageways on that area and does not

            include a provincial highway within the municipality as designated

            pursuant to the provisions of The Highways and Transportation Act,



            (h) " justice" means a justice of the peace as per The Interpretation Act,



            (i) " lug vehicles" means any vehicle with a portable engine or tractor

            engine having metal spikes, lugs or cleats projecting from the face of

            the wheels or tires thereof, or having metal track tread;


            (j) " municipality" means the Town of Cupar;


            (k) " parallel parking" means the parking of a vehicle with both right

            wheels thereof drawn up to the curb on the right-hand side of the

            highway of the highway, or a distance of not more than thirty (30)

            centimeters from such curb;


            (l) " parking" has the meaning ascribed thereto by The Traffic Safety Act;


            (m) "parking lot" means the area(s) within the Town of Cupar designated for

            parking of motor vehicles belonging to patrons.


            (n) " place of public assembly" means schools, theatres, churches, rinks,

            and halls;


            (o) " power turn" means to maneuver a vehicle in such a manner to cause

            part of the vehicle to depart from its ordinary line of progress by the

sudden use of acceleration and/or braking;


(p) "designated officer" means the Administrator, Royal Canadian

Mounted Police, Sheriff or any other person appointed to enforce

municipal bylaws;


(q) "speed zone" means any portion of a highway within the

Town of Cupar, as designated herein, and

identified by a sign erected and maintained at each end thereof,

indicating the maximum speed applicable thereto;


(r) "special constable" means the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or a

person appointed to enforce Municipal Bylaws;


(s) "traffic lane" means longitudinal division of a highway of sufficient width to
            accommodate the passage of a single line of vehicles.  


(t) "trailer" means a vehicle other than a semi trailer unit that is at any time

drawn on a highway by a motor vehicle and that is designed for conveyance of

goods or as living quarters for persons.  


(u) "u-turn" means the turning of a vehicle so as to cause it to proceed in

the opposite direction from which it was proceeding immediately prior

to the commencement of such turn;


(v) "vehicle" means a vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer or a motor vehicle as

ascribed to by The Traffic Safety Act.



            (a) "Stop" Streets: highways listed in Appendix 1;


            (b) "Yield" Streets: highways listed in Appendix 2;



            (a) "Stop" Streets: the provisions of The Traffic Safety Act shall apply to

            all traffic approaching and facing a "stop" sign erected and maintained

            in accordance with the provisions of subsection 5(a).


            (b) "Yield" Streets: the provisions of The Traffic Safety Act shall apply to

            all traffic approaching and facing a "yield" sign erected and

            maintained in accordance with the provisions of subsection 5(b).


            (c) Miscellaneous Signs:

                        i.          No person shall, except where authorized by resolution of

                                    Council, or when duly authorized by law, erect upon or

                                    immediately adjacent to any highway, any sign, marker,

                                    signal or light or any advertising sign or device.


                        ii.         No person shall deface damage, destroy, or remove any

                                    sign or marker erected pursuant to this bylaw.


            (d) School Bus Flashing Lights:

                        i.          Subject to clause 4(d)(ii), the operator of a school bus

                                    when operating a school bus on public highways in the

                                    municipality shall not activate the safety lights.


                        ii.         Provisions of clause 4(d)(i) shall not apply at the

                                    locations listed in Appendix 3



            (e) Lug Vehicles:

                        i.          No person shall propel, operate or drive any lug vehicle

                                    upon any highway within the municipality without first

                                    obtaining from the administrator, a permit in writing

                                    authorizing same.

                        ii.         The administrator is hereby authorized to issue permits in

                                    writing for the purpose of clause 4(e)(i) of this bylaw, in

                                    any case where the applicant therefore has signed a

                                    written undertaking in Form 1, Appendix 4. Provided

                                    that the administrator shall not issue any such permit

                                    unless he/she is satisfied that with reasonable care in

                                    operation, the lug vehicle may be propelled or driven

                                    over any highway without damage resulting thereto or to

                                    any bridge or culvert thereon.


                        iii.        Nothing contained in clause 4(e)(i) shall be deemed to

                                    preclude the transport of a lug vehicle as herein defined

                                    over any highway where same is being carried by means

                                    of a rubber-tired trailer or other conveyance equipped

                                    with rubber tires.


            (f) Parking:

                        i.          Except as otherwise provided herein, the parking of

                                    vehicles is permitted on all highways within the



                        ii.         (a) Subject to the provisions of sub clause 4(f)(ii)(b), no

                                    person shall park a vehicle in any lane, or in any street so

                                    as to obstruct the entrance to any lane or to a driveway or

                                    approach leading to private premises;


                                    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub clause 4(f)(ii)(a), a

                                    vehicle may be parked in any lane for the purpose of taking

                                    on or discharging cargo, provided no such vehicle shall be

                                    parked for a period exceeding thirty (30) minutes at one

                                    time, unless written permission has first been obtained from

                                    the administrator or a special constable of the municipality for

                                    an extension of such time.


                        iii.        (a) Subject to sub clause 4(f)(iii)(b), every person parking

                                    a vehicle upon a highway within the municipality where

                                    parking is permitted, shall parallel park the same.


                                    (b) Every person parking a vehicle upon a highway listed

                                    in Appendix 5 shall angle park same.


                        iv.        No person shall park a vehicle in any "No Parking" area

                                    as designated in Appendix 6 at any time whether such

                                    areas are marked on the curb or otherwise by signs

                                    erected and maintained in accordance with the provisions

                                    of subsection 5(d) to indicate that parking therein is



                        v.         No person shall park a vehicle within five (5) metres of

                                    any street intersection or fire hydrant.


                        vi.        No person shall park a vehicle on any highway at one

                                    place for any period of time exceeding twenty-four (24)

                                    consecutive hours.


                        vii.       No person shall park any vehicle in any private place or

                                    on any private property unless he is the owner, occupant,

                                    licensee or permittee of the parking place or private

                                    property, except with the consent of such owner,

                                    occupant, licensee or permittee.


                        viii.      (a) Subject to sub clause 4(f)(viii)(b), no person shall

                                    park any vehicle designated for carrying or intended for

                                    the carrying of oil, gasoline or other flammable,

                                    combustible or explosive material, within 30 metres from

                                    the building in the municipality used or intended for use,

                                    in whole or in part, as a place of dwelling, a hotel or place

                                    of public assembly.


                                    (b) Nothing in sub clause 4(f) (viii) (a) shall be deemed to

                                    restrict the parking of any such vehicle for such period of

                                    time as may be necessary to take on or discharge cargo.


                        ix.        No person shall park a vehicle with a manufacturer's

                                    rated capacity in excess of 5,500 kg on any streets or

                                    avenues designated in Appendix 7.


x.              No person shall park a trailer or any other equipment on any other equipment
on any highway whether licensed or not licensed while unattached to a
licensed motorized vehicle. 


xi.            One parking stall 26 ½ meters south of the intersection of Stanley Street and

            Assiniboia Avenue on the east side of Stanley Street shall be designated for
Handicap Parking Only. 


xii.           No person shall stop any vehicle parallel to another vehicle other then an
emergency vehicle on any street or road in the Town of Cupar except on the

            extreme right hand side of the street or road.


xiii.         That no person shall park a vehicle on any boulevards within the town limits. 


xiv.         No person shall park any vehicles on Municipal sidewalks or walkways. 


            (g) Power Turns:

                  The operator of a vehicle shall not execute "power turns" on any highway

                 In the Municipality.


            (h) Snowmobiles:

                        Under the provisions The Snowmobile Act and subject to

                        clause 4(h)(ii),:


                        i.          It shall be lawful to operate a snowmobile between the

                                    hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on any highway except

                                    Provincial Highway No. 22 within the limits of

                                    the municipality.


                        ii.         Notwithstanding clause 4(h)(i) of this bylaw, it shall be

                                    lawful to operate a snowmobile on the portion of

                                    Highway No. 22 for the purpose of crossing

                                    the Provincial Highway.


                        iii.        Notwithstanding clause 4(h)(ii) all Provincial highway

                                    crossing must be assessed by traffic operations staff from

                                    the Department of Highways and Transportation to

                                    ensure that any crossing safety issues are addressed. All

                                    snowmobile trails that run inside the right-of-way of a

                                    provincial highway must be permitted in writing by the

                                    Department of Highways and Transportation. All

                                    snowmobile trail permit applications must be sent to the

                                    Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association, who will

                                    forward any applications that they deem as requiring a

                                    permit to the Department of Highways and Transportation.


                        iv.        It shall be lawful to operate snowmobiles in the

                                    municipality at hours other than those specified in (a) for

                                    the purpose of leaving the municipality by the most direct

                                    route or returning to a residence by the most direct route.


                        v.         All snowmobile operators shall yield the right-of-way to

                                    vehicles on Highway No. 22 before crossing the



                        vi.        Any snowmobile crossing a public highway must come to

                                    a full stop prior to crossing and must take the most direct

                                    route across the highway.


                        vii.       Any snowmobile entering onto a public highway shall do

                                    so from an established public highway approach.


            (i) Speed:

                        i.          Subject to clause 4(i) ii no person shall operate a vehicle

                                    in the municipality at a speed greater than forty (40) km per hour.


                        ii.         No person shall operate a vehicle at a speed greater than

                                    thirty (30) km per hour in the speed zones as set out in

                                    Appendix 8.


            (j) Weight Restrictions:

i.               No person shall operate a vehicle or a combination of vehicles

           when the combined gross weight of the vehicle (s) with or
            without a load exceeds 12,000 kg, except on a highway within

            the municipality designated as a Heavy Vehicle Route as listed

            in Appendix 9.


ii.              Subject to subsection (1), no person shall operate a vehicle or a    
            combination of vehicles when the combined gross weight of the        
           vehicle(s) with or without a load exceeds the maximum allowable    

           weight pursuant to The Vehicle Weight and Dimension

           regulations, 1988 on any highway within the municipality.


iii.            Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to vehicles making

            delivery on any highway in the municipality provided that the

            operator of the vehicle(s) uses the most direct route from and to

            the heavy vehicle route. 


iv.            The provisions of The Highways and Transportation Act shall

            apply to the operators of vehicles referred to in subsections (1)

            and (2). 


            (k) Bicycles:

                        i.          No person shall operate a bicycle without having at least

                                    one hand on the handle bar.


                        ii.         No person shall operate a bicycle on a sidewalk.


                        iii.        No person shall operate a bicycle ½ hour after sunset to one half

                                    hour before sunrise on the highways within the Town of Cupar                               
                                    unless lights and reflectors are in operation. 


            (l) One way highway:

                        Except as otherwise provided herein a person may operate a vehicle in

                        either direction on all highways within the municipality.


            (m) Traffic Lane:

                        No driver of a vehicle shall drive from one traffic lane to another where

                        solid lines exist between lanes on the streets listed in Appendix 10.


            (n) All Terrain Vehicles:

                        i. The operation of all terrain vehicles is prohibited on:

                                    a) The untravelled portion of the whole or any part of a

                                    highway, other than a provincial highway, in the municipality;


                                    b) Any private land in the municipality, including, in

                                    the case of a rural municipality, any private land in a

                                    hamlet or organized hamlet;



                                    c) Any municipal land in the municipality; and


                                    d) Any Crown land in the municipality that is used or

                                    occupied otherwise than by the Crown;

                                    as specified in Appendix 11.



            (a) Council shall cause to be erected and maintained at all stop streets in

            Appendix 1, at a distance of approximately three (3) metres from point

            of intersection, an appropriate sign containing the word "Stop", so

            placed to face the traffic approaching the intersection.


            (b) Council shall cause to be erected and maintained at all yield streets

            listed in Appendix 2, at a distance of approximately three (3) metres

            from point of intersection, an appropriate "Yield" sign, so placed to

            face the traffic approaching the intersection.


            (c) Council shall cause to be erected and maintained at all "No Parking"

            areas as listed in Appendix 9, appropriate signs and/or curb markings.

            Such signs or curb markings shall be visible from that part of the

            highway to which the restriction applies.


            (d) Council shall cause to be erected and maintained appropriate signs

            indicating the locations where the use of ATV's is prohibited, as set

            out in Appendix 11.




            (a) Signs:

            Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of clauses 4(c)(i)

            and 4(c)(ii) of this bylaw is guilty of an offence and liable on summary

            conviction to the penalties provided in the General Penalty Bylaw of the    municipality.


            (b) Lug Vehicles and Power Turns:

            Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsections

            4(e)(i) and 4(g) of this bylaw shall be liable on summary conviction to

            a penalty of:

                        i. clause 4(e)(i)-------$300.00

                        ii. subsection 4(g)---$100.00


            (c) Parking:

            A person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsections (here

            list all the sections) of this bylaw or fails to comply therewith or with

            any of this bylaw or fails to comply therewith or with any notice or

            order given there-under shall be guilty of an offence and upon

            summary conviction, shall be liable to penalties as follows:


            Clause 4(n) (i) $50.00                    Clause 4(f) (viii) $50.00     

            Clause 4(f) (ii) $50.00                     Clause 4(f) (ix) $50.00

            Clause 4(f) (iii) 50.00                      Clause 4(f) (x) $50.00

            Clause 4(f) (iv) 50.00                      Clause 4(f) (xi) $50.00

            Clause 4(f) (v) $50.00                     Clause 4(f) (xii) $50.00

            Clause 4(f) (vi) $50.00                    Clause 4(f) (xiii) $50.00

            Clause 4(f) (vii) $50.00                   Clause 4(f) (xiv) $50.00


            (d) Notice of Violation:

                        i. A violator of any of the subsections of this bylaw, as set

                        out in subsection 6(c) upon being served with a Notice of

                        Violation, may during the regular office hours, voluntarily

                        pay the penalty at the municipal office within 10 days

                        and upon payment as so provided, that person shall not be

                        liable to prosecution of the offence.


                        ii. The Notice of Violation shall be in Form "2", Appendix 12, attached to

                            and forming part of this bylaw


(e) Bicycle Contravention

            The penalty for the contravention of section 4 (i), 4 (ii) and

            is as follows:

                        i) For the first infraction impounding the bicycle for 7 days; and


                        ii) For the second or additional infractions, impounding the

                        bicycle for 14 days.


            (f) All Terrain Vehicle Contravention

            The penalty for the contravention of section 4 (o) shall be liable to the

            penalty imposed by section 32 of The All Terrain Vehicles Act.  In which states a

            fine of not more than $1,000.00 or imprisonment term of not more than 30 days

            for violation of any municipal bylaw or the ATV Act.


            (g) All Other Contravention of Bylaw No. 13-2010

            The penalties for these and other traffic violations other than parking

            under The Traffic Safety Act, The Snowmobile Act and The School Bus

            Operating Regulations shall be liable to the penalties imposed by The

            Summary Offences Procedure Act and/or any other applicable



            (i) Weight Restrictions-Truck Route Contravention

                        i. A person who contravenes the provision of subsections 3(1), (1) and (2),

                           1s guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty of

                            not more than $200.00 for the first offence and not more than $500.00

                             for each subsequent offence.


                        ii A further penalty shall be imposed as follows:


                                    a) Three dollars for each 50 kg or fraction thereof in excess of

                                    1,000 kg that the actual gross weight exceeds the prescribed

                                     maximum gross weight allowable; and


                                    b) Five dollars for each 50 kg or fraction

                                    thereof in excess of 1,000 kg that the actual gross weight exceeds                                     
                                    the prescribed gross weight allowable, provided that in computing                                                
                                    the further penalty, 500 kg or two per cent of the maximum gross                                        
                                    weight fixed by this bylaw, whichever is the lesser, shall not be

                                    taken into account.


                                    c) In each instance, the total fine shall not exceed the maximum                                         
                                    provided for in the general penalty bylaw of the municipality. 



            (a) In addition to and notwithstanding any provisions contained within

            Section 6 hereof, any person appointed as a designated officer

            pursuant to this bylaw:

                        i. may remove or cause to be removed any vehicle that:

                                    1. Is unlawfully placed, left or kept on any street, public

                                    parking place, or other public place;


                                    2. Is unlawfully parked pursuant to clause 4(f)(vii) when

                                    requested by the owner, occupant, licensee or permit holder of said

                                    land; or


                                    3. Is found on a street, street, public parking place, other

                                    public place or municipally-owned property when:

                                                (a) the owner of the vehicle owes three or more

                                                outstanding fines to the municipality for parking



                                                (b) The appeal period against the imposition and

                                                amount of said fines has expired;


                                                (c) At least two notices that the fines are outstanding

                                                were sent to the owner at least one week apart; and


                                                (d) A justice, having been satisfied by evidence

                                                provided by way of oath, affidavit or statutory

                                                declaration of the existence of the facts mentioned

                                                above in clauses 7(a)(i)(3)(a) to (c), has issued an

                                                order authorizing the removal and impoundment


                        ii. And seize, impound or store such vehicle.


            (b) The municipality may retain a vehicle which has been impounded or

            stored after it has been removed under subsection 7(a) until the amount of

            outstanding fines, if any, and the costs incurred in removing and

            impounding or storing the vehicle have been paid, and upon payment of

            said outstanding fines and costs the vehicle shall be released to the owner.


            (c) If the fines and costs described in subsection 7(b) have not been paid

            within a period of 30 days (longer if Council wishes), the municipality

            shall have the right to recover same from the owner of the vehicle by :


                        i. Legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction;


                        ii. Sale through public auction; or


                        iii. By private sale of the vehicle.


            (d) Prior to the sale of a vehicle which has been impounded or stored under

            this section, the municipality shall provide notice designating the time and

            place of the sale at least 14 days (longer if Council wishes) prior to the

            sale by:

                        i. Publishing a notice in a newspaper circulating in the municipality;


                        ii. Sending a copy of said notice by regular mail to the owner at the

                        address last appearing on the vehicle registration; and


                        iii. By any other means which council may consider appropriate.


            (e) The proceeds from such sale shall be applied firstly on the fines and costs

            described in subsection 7(b) and the balance remaining, if any, shall be

            paid to the owner.


            (f) If the proceeds from such sale are insufficient to satisfy the fines and costs

            described in subsection 7(b), the amount of the shortfall shall be a debt

            due and owing from the owner and enforceable by the municipality in any

            manner allowed by law.



Bylaw 10-2009, A Bylaw to Regulate the Operation & Parking of Vehicles and the use of the Highways.




This bylaw shall come into force and effect on the day it is approved by the Highway Traffic Board.


____________________________                   ______________________________

            Mayor                                                                                     Administrator


This is a certified true copy

Dated _______ of _______, 2010






of Bylaw No. 12-2010


"STOP" STREETS [section 4(a)]


            STREET OR AVENUE                                           WHERE                                                   INTERSECTED BY

                                                                                                STREET /AVENUE

1.           CONNAUGHT AVENUE                             DONALD ROAD



4.           QU' APPELLE AVENUE                            DONALD ROAD

7.           ASSINIBOIA AVENUE                                DONALD ROAD



10.        RAILWAY AVENUE                                      DONALD ROAD

11.        SASKATCHEWAN AVENUE                     EAST AND WEST SIDE OF                 STANLEY STREET

12.        QU' APPELLE AVENUE                             EAST AND WEST SIDE OF                 STANLEY STREET

13.        QU' APPELLE AVE                                      EAST AND WEST SIDE OF

                                                                                      ABERDEEN ST.

14.        ASSINIBOIA AVE                                         EAST AND WEST SIDE OF

                                                                                      ABERDEEN ST

15.        ASSINIBOIA AVENUE                                EAST AND WEST SIDE OF

                                                                                      STANLEY STREET

16.        DONALD ROAD                                          HIGHWAY NO. 22

17.        GREY STREET                                            HIGHWAY NO. 22

18.        LANSDOWNE STREET                             HIGHWAY NO. 22

19.        STANLEY STREET                                     HIGHWAY NO.22

20.        ABERDEEN STREET                                 HIGHWAY NO. 22




24.        ABERDEEN ST (NORTHBOUND)           ASSINIBOIA AVE.               


              PARKING LOT                                             ABERDEEN STREET

26.        SHORE PARK                                             ABERDEEN STREET






of Bylaw No. 12-2010


"YIELD" STREETS [section 4(b)]


STREET OR AVENUE                                                       WHERE INTERSECTED BY

                                                                                                STREET /AVENUE

1.            FINDLAY STREET                                      RAILWAY AVENUE

2.            STUART STREET                                       RAILWAY AVENUE

3.            MILLS STREET                                            RAILWAY AVENUE

4.            MINTO STREET                                           RAILWAY AVENUE

5.            ABERDEEN STREET                                 RAILWAY AVENUE                       

6.            STANLEY STREET                                     RAILWAY AVENUE

7.            LANSDOWNE STREET                             RAILWAY AVENUE

8.            LORNE STREET                                         RAILWAY AVENUE

9.            GREY STREET                                            RAILWAY AVENUE

10.         GREY STREET                                            ASSINIBOIA AVENUE

11.         LORNE STREET                                         ASSINIBOIA AVENUE

12.         LANSDOWNE STREET                             ASSINIBOIA AVENUE

13.         MINTO STREET                                           ASSINIBOIA AVENUE

14.         MILLS STREET                                            ASSINIBOIA AVENUE

15.         STUART STREET                                       ASSINIBOIA AVENUE       

16.         GREY STREET                                            QU' APPELLE AVENUE

17.         LORNE STREET                                         QU' APPELLE AVENUE

18.         LANSDOWNE STREET                             QU' APPELLE AVENUE

19.         MINTO STREET                                           QU'APPELLE AVENUE

20.         SASKATCHEWAN AVENUE                     ABERDEEN AVENUE

21.         C0NNAUGHT AVENUE                             GREY STREET

22.         CPR RIGHT OF WAY                                  DONALD ROAD

              (Elevator Road)



of Bylaw No. 12-2010




Street or Avenue                               From                                                To


LANSDOWNE STREET                             QU' APPELLE AVENUE                 HIGHWAY NO.22






of Bylaw No.12-2010





















I declare that:


(1)I will use reasonable care in propelling, operating or driving such lug vehicles over the

highway to prevent any damage resulting to the highway.


(2)I will, when operating such lug vehicle over any bridge or culvert on any highway or

on any specified bridge or culvert thereon, first lay down on such bridge or culvert planks

or timbers of not less than 5 cm in thickness and should extend a minimum of 300 mm

wider on each side than the maximum outside width of the lugs; such planks or timbers to

be laid lengthwise across the bridge or culvert in the direction in which the lug vehicle is

proceeding in such a manner that they will support the wheels or tread of the lug vehicle

on both sides thereof throughout its entire passage over such bridge or culvert.


(3)I will pay for all damages caused to such highway of to any bridge or culvert thereon

as a result of propelling, operating or driving such lug vehicle thereon.


(4)I understand that lug vehicles are not allowed to travel on or across provincial

highways unless a written permit is obtained from the Department of Highways and



(5)I understand that all municipal bridges have secondary weight limitations unless

posted otherwise and I will ensure that I comply with any and all weight restrictions.











of Bylaw No.12-2010


"ANGLE PARKING AREAS" [section 4 (f)iii)(b)]



            STREET OR AVENUE                   FROM                                                TO


            SOUTH SIDE OF                 LORNE STREET                 LANE ONE HALF

            QU' APPELLE AVENUE                                                     BLOCK EAST OF

                                                                                                            LORNE STREET








of Bylaw No.12-2010


"NO PARKING" AREAS" - [section4(iv)]



            STREET OR AVENUE                   FROM                                          TO


      BOTH sideS of

      Lansdowne Street

      Between the hours

      of 8:30 AM to 4 PM                Qu' Appelle Avenue    Highway NO.22


            Both sides of

             Donald Rd                            Highway No.22           Railway Avenue


            Both sides of

           Railway Avenue                  Donald Road             ABERDEEN Street


      North side of

      Saskatchewan Ave          Lansdowne St           Stanley Street





of Bylaw No.12-2010


"NO PARKING" AREAS (Heavy Vehicles) - [section 4(f)(ix)]


            STREET OR AVNEUE       FROM                                    TO


            DONALD ROAD                  RAILWAY AVENUE                        HIGHWAY NO.22


            GREY STREET                    RAILWAY AVENUE                        HIGHWAY NO.22


            LORNE STREET                 RAILWAY AVENUE                        QU' APPELLE AVENUE


            LANSDOWNE STREET     RAILWAY AVENUE                        HIGHWAY NO.22


            STANLEY STREET             RAILWAY AVENUE                        HIGHWAY NO.22


            ABERDEEN STREET         RAILWAY AVENUE                        HIGHWAY NO.22


            MINTO STREET                   RAILWAY AVENUE                        QU' APPELLE AVENUE


            MILLS STREET                    RAILWAY AVENUE                        QU' APPELLE AVENUE


            STUART STREET               RAILWAY AVENUE                        ASSINIBOIA AVENUE


            ASSINIBOIA AVENUE        DONALD ROAD                             FINDLAY AVENUE


            QU' APPELLE AVENUE     DONALD ROAD                            MILLS STREET


            CONNAUGHT AVENUE    DONALD ROAD                             GREY STREET




            FINDLAY STREET              RAILWAY AVENUE                        ASSINIBOIA AVENUE





of Bylaw No.12-2010


"SPEED ZONES" - SCHOOLS - PLAYGROUND [section 4(i)(ii)]



            STREET OR AVENUE       FROM                                                TO




            QU' APPELLE AVENUE     LORNE STREET                 STANLEY STREET


            GREY STREET                    QU' APPELLE AVENUE     HIGHWAY NO.22


            DONALD ROAD                  HIGHWAY NO.22                   RAILWAY AVENUE


            RAILWAY AVENUE              DONALD ROAD                  ABERDEEN STREET





of Bylaw No.12-2010


"Heavy Truck Route" [section 4(j)(i)]


            STREET OR AVENUE       FROM                                                TO


            DONALD ROAD                  RAILWAY AVENUE                        HIGHWAY NO. 22


            RAILWAY AVENUE             DONALD ROAD                             ABERDEEN STREET







of Bylaw No.12-2010


"Double Sided Lines"


            STREET OR AVENUE       FROM                                                TO




                                                                                                            130 FEET NORTH OF

                                                                                                            RAILWAY AVENUE           



                                                                                                            130 FEET NORTH OF

                                                                                                            RAILWAY AVENUE           





of Bylaw No.12-2010


"Locations ATV's Are Prohibited"   [section 4(n)]




            STREET OR AVENUE                                                                               LOCATION

























The purpose of The All Terrain Vehicles Act (ATV Act) is to ensure the safe and proper

operation of all terrain vehicles (ATVs), both the three and four-wheeled types. The following

key points are taken from the ATV Act - for a complete copy, please contact the Queen's Printer,

1871 Smith Street, Regina, Sask. S4P 3V7 (306)787-6894.


Section 6 requires that any operation of ATVs on private land must be with the consent of the

owner or occupant of private or Crown land.


Section 10 states that any order made by the Highway Traffic Board to prohibit the operation of

ATVs is not applicable on any river, lake or other body of water in the winter.


Section 11 provides authority for a municipality to pass a bylaw to prohibit the operation of

ATVs on the "untravelled" portion of any roads within its boundaries; and also on private land,

or municipal land (including hamlet or organized hamlet) or Crown land, all within its


Section 13 states that a bylaw to prohibit the operation of ATVs as per Section 11 is enforceable

only if the areas listed in the bylaw are properly marked and signed.


Contact person: Bruce Kush, Manager; phone: (306) 775-6599

Vehicle Registration Policy fax: (306) 775-6909

2260 - 11 Avenue, Regina, Sask. S4P 2N7




of Bylaw No. 12-2010

Form 2


“NOTICE OF VIOLATION" [section 5(d)(ii)]

